::..a walk to remember..::

:.konco-konco peminat cik lebah.:

Iklan Best..!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

its just the beginning

Dearest readers,

I don't know how to start actually. I really want to share with others during my 5 months together with my new family. Its a big unforgettable family. 5 months ago, i got a phone call from Mr Sufiyan to do my industrial training at Sony EMCS Bangi. When i said YES, then the journey begins. Being the only trainee at Material Handling Department make me awkward at first.
But never judge a book by its cover, rite.!! At first, everyone seems so busy, so selfish, high pressure.arrgghh!!

Tak Kenal Maka Tak Chenta..kan..kan..5 months there seems like 5 days..But full of 5 years memories.No one can pay for that..Its really something
AArgghh again..and again..owwhh how i miss that moment..sob..sob

First three months, jobs that i need to complete memang menguji kekuatan mental. Dealing with people yang pelbagai kerenah dan peringkat umur..fuuhh..memang menguji keimanan. Jika kita tidak bersabar, adakah anda tahu senjata yang lebih hebat dari itu??Ada diantara kita yang berteriak lantang di atas musibah..Tapi apa hasilnya..tiada beza.Thanx to Allah i have so many
people around me that i can share my sober.Especially my partner. Only we know the true story, the true challenge behind all of those. Thanx for everything. What are friends for right..!!

After three month, i am a loner. All other trainees completed their training. Sigh..Fortunately my works are no overload..Starting from that, i can focus on my data analysis and problem solving. Yes..i am a future Manufac Engineer but its not the reason for me to do anything else like data analysis and system..But alhamdulillah i've done my work as given.Mungkin sesetengah orang hanya melihat this job as low class job.. ye la.. im not dealing with machine, with high risk equipment..But proudly here i can say i completed my job with success. blink blink..

For my family at SOEM, thanx for everything. All of u have a special place in my heart.

Kak Mar u have such a beautiful heart and beautiful voice. Ganas hanya luaran tapi kamu sebenarnya seorang yang sangat tabah.I salute u laahh

Kak Ijat Jangan sedih2x..I will miss your laugh sis whenever i laugh.

Kak Nuja Da takde orang yang sudi bagi massage free..huhu..No one have warm shoulder as yours for me to lean on

Kak Sab miss to hear your comment about everything.miss to stay up work late together. Sesungguhnya, u give me spiritual support to continue my jobs.

Kak Ida u have such a caring heart.. No one to gossiping dan minum kopi pagi2x.. Jaga meja saya elok2x taw. Dont worry, no one boleh kacau your work now.

Kak Zie Jangan emosi2x .Miss to hear you pot pet pot pet..Miss to hear your everyday story about Nina.Miss to help doing your works..

Kak Aya U will always be my diamond in my heart. U teach me everything, not only about works but about this life. Pink will always be a reminder for me about you.

Dearest family,
Allah tidak akan menarik sesuatu dari kamu semua melainkan dia menggantikannya dengan yang lebih baik.Tetapi itu setelah kamu sabar dan redha dengan segala ketetapanNya.

Dear friends,
Now i have 4 other brothers and a younger brothers..yeah..no one can give me that in 5 months..hehe

1 suara hati:

Taufik wal Fatimah said...

Itulah keindahan persahabatan dan ikatan ukhuwwah yg terbina atas dasar keimanan.
Tiada sebarang kepentingan peribadi dlm ikatan tersebut dan Allah telah berfirman dalam Surah al-Anfal ayat 63.
Tiada keimanan, tiadalah tautan hati tersebut..
Jagalah keimanan kita walaupun di mana kita berada..

63. Dan yang mempersatukan hati mereka (orang-orang yang beriman) walaupun kamu membelanjakan semua (kekayaan) yang berada di bumi, niscaya kamu tidak dapat mempersatukan hati mereka, akan tetapi Allah telah mempersatukan hati mereka. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha gagah lagi Maha Bijaksana.

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